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Joana joined the Burns Sheehan Finance team 4 years ago and is now our Finance Manager.  

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Joana may be one of the quieter members of the Burns Sheehan team, but in my mind she is one of our heroes. She ensures the Burns Sheehan engine keeps running, and is always nice and cheerful.

Jo could possibly be classed as a 'super-mum'. Her ability to effortlessly balance her responsibilities as Finance Director, mother and ACCA student must mean that she is either hyper-efficient or has stolen a time-turner.

How on earth does she do it? I decided it was time to sit down with her to find out …

So Jo, how did you come to work for Burns Sheehan?

It was back in December 2010. When I was on maternity leave my previous company went down due to recession in 2008. After some time being at home to raise my son, I decided to go back to work and find a job in finance. Luckily I ended up working at Burns Sheehan and haven’t regretted my decision for a second. There used to be an ad on the radio called “Love Mondays” … this is how I felt once started working again!

What's the best thing about working in finance? What's the worst thing?

I guess best thing for me is that I understand it and love numbers. Some people will find this quite sad I guess...but I do! I also like knowing that I will be able to see results at the end of my hard work. I like having regular tasks, having deadlines and knowing what and when needs to be done. I like that there is a certainty in my job.

The worst thing about the job is probably those moments when you’re approaching deadlines to set the payments and then the internet goes down or something. Or paying the incorrect person someone else’s salary! 

How do you find balancing your career with motherhood though? And all of those exams on top?

Actually, I was so happy when I went back to work. Renat was only one and a half when I joined Burns Sheehan so it was a little difficult at first. It was lovely spending that time at home with Renat, but I think it’s good to get out of the house, meet new people and have work to do. It’s important to have a reason to put on some proper clothes and some makeup! The people at Burns Sheehan are really nice too – Baz, Sean, Fleur… – they have all been so supportive. 

joana + family

Joana with her husband Sergie and son Renat

Who would play you in a film?

Ah that’s such a hard question… Maybe Blake Lively from Gossip girl or Teri Hatcher when she plays Susan from Desperate Housewives. Or a hybrid of the two? 

What is your guilty pleasure?

3 Day weekends and online shopping.

What is your biggest pet hate?

My neighbours upstairs (laughs). And negative, pessimistic people who complain about life and their bad luck all the time. 

Tell us something nobody else knows about you…

I talk a lot when I am asleep. Actually I also shout, sing and sometimes walk in my sleep too…

Who inspires you?

My mum inspires me every day – she’s such a strong and beautiful woman. She’s back in Lithuania but we talk quite often on the phone.

I also saw Maleficent recently and found that film very inspiring. Angelina Jolie plays the main character who has these magical powers to protect everyone in the woods. She falls in love with a Prince, but one night he cuts her wings off and she loses all her powers. He grows up and becomes a King and has a daughter, and then one day Maleficent meets the daughter in the woods. I won't give away any more of the story, but it has a happy ending.

Actually, maybe I’d have Angelina Jolie play me in a film! I really love those wings…

What do you like to do outside of work?

Well these days I spend most of my free time studying, and spending time with my husband Sergei and my son Renat. I also love watching Russell Howard’s “Good News” - he’s so funny and it’s the perfect thing to help you switch off.

I used to be athletic, but not so much anymore. I competed in track and field for about 12 years – mainly 400m hurdles - but I stopped when I moved to the UK. 

What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Someone once told me – “Everything is possible. You just need to really want it and work towards it. Never give up!”

If you had to go to a desert island and take only one item with you, what would you take?  

Warm socks. Just in case it’s cold there!

If you were speaking to someone who was interested in pursuing a career in finance, what would you say to them?

I would ask them if they like numbers (laughs). And if they like maths. Gaining qualifications or a degree in finance or accountant opens a lot of doors because every company needs someone to look after their money. So if you like maths and numbers, and if you are quite detail-oriented, finance is a great career.


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