About the event

Burns Sheehan hosted an intimate roundtable in November for our People & Talent community to come together and discuss the first steps and core elements of building a winning talent strategy and stand-out employee value proposition (EVP). 

The group dug into some of the core challenges facing people and talent teams today, as they compete for talent and build an effective hiring strategy, including:

💡 Attracting & nurturing a diverse & inclusive workforce.

💡 Building a multi-channel talent strategy to optimise your talent pipeline.

💡 Generative AI & the future of talent.

💡 Measuring & tracking the success of your talent strategy.


Check out the summary sheet from the conversation below:

{{imageAltText(storage/images/Building a Winning Talent Strategy Summary Sheet Image.png)}}


If you'd like to hear more and are interested in attending, please reach out to our Managing Director, Chris Spranklen at chris@burnssheehan.co.uk.

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