Today I sat down with Rachel Francis, one of the Consultants on our Training Programme. This week the Trainee Team visited MOO, a client we’ve worked with for a number of years, including two projects where we worked on-site.

Hi Rachel, tell me about your visit to MOO.

Yesterday we went to the MOO office in Farringdon and met with Joh, their Head of People and Culture. She showed us around, telling us all about the business - how they started and how the company has developed to where it is now. We talked about the relationship between MOO and Burns Sheehan, and how we’ve worked with them closely throughout their growth.

We also had a tour of the office. It’s over one hundred meters long and completely open plan. There are loads of different spaces to work in, with meeting areas designed around different font types. It’s such a cool set up and a really creative space. We saw lots of people sat together – it gave me a real insight in to what a collaborative work environment MOO is.

MOO Burns Sheehan TraineesWhy do you think it’s so valuable for us to visit a client site before we can work together?

Visiting a client site means that we can understand their business inside and out. We can bring the business to life when speaking with potential candidates, not just working from a two-dimensional job description. One of our Directors, Chris Spranklen, worked on-site at MOO during a rapid period of growth to deliver the best possible recruitment service. This means that we have a fantastic relationship with the team, and this was evident during our tour. For me, it not only gave me a better insight in to MOO, a client I will potentially be working with in the future, but also demonstrated to me the quality and strength of our network. Having worked with MOO through much of their journey, we are in an amazing position to find them the best possible candidates.

Moo FamilyWe heard first-hand what kind of individual MOO look to bring in to their team, and it gave me a much better understanding of the culture of the business. I think Recruiters can be quite detached from their clients. The meeting showed me that our relationship with MOO is never a case of just putting a “person on a seat” for short term gain, we have an open channel of communication to ensure we get the right fit, first time and have developed a strong relationship over time.

The office itself is not only totally stunning, but the atmosphere was something that I could have only understood by visiting the site. Moving forward, I feel much better equipped to talk a candidate through the MOO journey now that I’ve had a real taste of what life at MOO is like.

Thanks Rachel

We are proud and excited to introduce our newest team members to customers that we’ve built excellent relationships with. It is just one of the many ways in which we develop our Recruitment Trainees, to help them understand the level of service we deliver and how successful it can be. 

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