Firstly, I hope all the Burns Sheehan community are safe and well and whilst Covid 19 has impacted all of our lives, I hope that the impact has not been too great on an individual level.
How the world has changed in 5 weeks! Covid 19 has wreaked havoc across all our lives and forced us to adapt at a breakneck speed, challenging the way we communicate, work and live every aspect of our lives. What never fails to amaze me is the resilience, creativity and probably most significantly the sense of community spirit that’s exists - who would have thought that bitter rivals Apple & Google would collaborate on building tracing apps to help combat Covid 19 or we would witness the inspiring Thursday 8pm show of gratitude for our amazing NHS staff and key workers. It is in times of real need that we see some of the best in human endeavour and spirit.
In our micro world of technology, the effects of Covid 19 can be seen everywhere. The impact on the tech job market has been significant. There are certainly pockets of hiring taking places but most business have paused hiring as they review their costs, look to preserve balance sheets and work out a way forward! Whilst the very immediate outlook is the most challenging for a generation, what is certain is that the tech world will bounce back. Just like post credit crunch in 2008 – the tech companies demonstrated their creativity and resilience and were at the forefront of the recovery. I predict that this will be the same in a post Covid 19 world.
At Burns Sheehan, our philosophy and equity has always had relationships at the heart of what we do – now more than ever those relationships are key. The conversations we have on a daily basis reinforce our view that technology will be the driving force to a return to normality - whatever the new normal will be!!
-Sean Burns